Who Can Use Curatemails

Digital Creators

Notify your contacts about your new or existing Newsletter. You can use Curatemails to promote newsletter with your email contacts. Interact with your contacts normally in the body of your email while your campaign in the signature notifies your contact.

Developers/Solo Entrepreneur

Own an open source project? Add the github page in your email signatures using Curatemails.

Email Signature Marketing is a channel where you promote your products passively. Marketing is difficult and we know that. Curatemails gives you the right platform to market your products.

Writers/Indie Publishers

Published an article that didn't get enought views? Promote it by adding to your signature with curatemails, while you interact with your existing contacts or your prospectives.

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Our Features


Emails can be more than just means of communication. With a right message attached with email you can drive more engagement among your customers.


Our easy to use signature creation panel lets you get started with email signatures in no time.


Our analytics dashboard gives you in-depth analysis about the campaigns your are running. You can even compare two or more campaigns with each other.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Curatemails?
    We, Curatemails have developed a technology platform on top of email signature marketing. Any independent developer, blogger or a maker can use our platform to generate more views for online assets. Using Curatemails you can take leverage of your outbound emails for promoting your products/podcast/app/webinar etc. The pressing point here is that you don't need to create a new marketing channel. There must be hundreds of emails being sent out every month. You just need to attach a customized content with every email you send.
  • How is Curatemails different from any other email signature marketing company?
    Our core focus is to help SMEs & solopreneurs drive more traffic by tapping into their existing email contacts. We help them educate the benefits of email signatures. We believe our platform is simple enough to be used by any person without any tech knowledge. Curatemails is built with a simple drag-n-drop feature.
  • How can I evaluate my ROI from the campaigns?
    Calculating Return on Investment for your campaigns is as simple as click of a button. Yes, indeed. We have all figured it out for you. There's an analytics panel to show you unique & overall impressions in the form of graphs and tables
  • I am still unclear about how to proceed further?
    We understand Email Signature Marketing is relatively a new term in the market. Don't worry just write to us at hello@curatemails.com and We will get back to you at the earliest.

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